Procedures for filing a claim for loss or damage:
• This form must be filled out and submitted; failure to do so will result in the claim being rejected.
• Within 24 hours of delivery the following must be submitted to your customer service representative: Daily Direct Inspection Report received upon delivery, a summary outlining ‘said’ damage to the unit, and pictures showing ‘said’ damage.
If you are not sure how to contact your customer service representative please call the office at 888-428-5245.
• Daily Direct requests that two (2) written estimates be performed and e-mailed, faxed or mailed to Daily Direct within 14 days from the date of delivery. Estimates should be from respectful, known repair facilities.
• Any damaged part(s) that is and/or are being replaced with new component(s) will need to be shipped to Daily Direct at the claimant’s expense following completion of repair.
How a claim is processed:
1. Upon receipt of claim, shipments original paperwork will be compared with claimant’s paperwork and estimates.
2. Driver(s) will be interviewed to discuss said claim while paperwork and estimates are being gathered.
3. Claim will be reviewed by insurance company for determination.
4. Claimant notified of determination by Daily Direct.
5. Claim submitted to accounts payable if approved. Payment will be issued within 30 days or less of claim being submitted to payables.
I have read and understand the attached information explaining the procedures for filing a loss and/or damage claim, the flow of the claim process through the company departments involved with said process. I agree that if a part(s) that are damaged need to be removed and replaced with new component(s) that I, myself, agree to ship the original damaged component(s) which are now the property of Daily Direct, LLC/HAULBIKES to Daily Direct/HAULBIKES, 4600 North 124th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53225 at my expense within 7 days of the repair being completed.
By signing this agreement, I understand the procedures and agree to the above terms.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Clear Signature